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DCA-4811 Digital Camera

An easy-to-use 48 MP digital camera with video and a slot for a microSD memory card up to 64 GB.
9,900 kr

Single-use Camera - “Love”

A simple disposable camera with a heartfelt theme! The camera has a built-in flash and a 27-photo ISO 400 film.

Ideal for weddings and romantic occasions!
3,490 kr


KPC-1370 Camera & Printer

The Denver KPC 1370 is an exciting 48 MP digital camera with a built-in digital printer!
The camera can also record videos and includes software to print out your photos with various frames and effects!

A 64 GB MicroSD card and three rolls of printer paper are included with purchase.
9,900 kr


Paper for DENVER KPC-1370 Cameras

Four rolls of paper to print out all your photos!
1,990 kr


    Sticker Rolls for DENVER KPC-1370 Cameras

    Three rolls of printer paper with adhesive backing, so you can hang your photos anywhere!
    1,990 kr


      5G Package

      Everything you need for a high-speed 5G network for your cottage or your private security system. Installing the router outdoors provides the best network signal without interference from any walls or windows. The package includes a 5G outdoor router as well as a WiFi extender to provide optimal coverage.

      Use the 5G Package with your mobile subscription or a data card that shares the data allowance of your subscription.
      59,990 kr


        5G MiFi Hneta Wifi 6

        Hafðu 5G hnetuna með þér í ferðalagið og passaðu að allir komist netið. 5G hnetan er lítill og öflugur búnaður sem býr til WiFi sem að allt að 32 manns geta tengst á sama tíma. Er einnig hleðslubanki með 7.000 mAh rafhlöðu
        29,990 kr
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